The Bantu Network Token (XBN) Trademark

Bantu Blockchain Foundation
1 min readApr 6, 2021


Bantu Logo icon, XBN Trademark, Bantu Logo and BBF Logos

Hello Bantu Community!

It has come to our attention that some third-party individuals and organisations are using the XBN ticker/symbol, and logos similar or identical to the Bantu logos to promote and distribute certain crypto assets. Please be informed that the XBN ticker/symbol and the Bantu Logos are and remain the registered trademarks of the Bantu Blockchain Foundation.

Trademark logos for the Bantu Network Token (XBN)

The XBN token (logo above) is the sole native token of the Bantu Blockchain Network and we would like to state that any other token or crypto asset issued or purported to be issued by any third party bearing similar ticker/symbol or logo is not issued by the Bantu Blockchain Foundation.

We hereby encourage our community members to continue to be vigilant and to report any suspicious offerings or activities that are calculated to deceive and confuse community members as it relates to the XBN token. Please visit our website for more information.



Bantu Blockchain Foundation
Bantu Blockchain Foundation

Written by Bantu Blockchain Foundation

The Blockchain Infrastructure That Empowers Humanity

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