Timbuktu P2P Exchange is calling for Beta Testers

Bantu Blockchain Foundation
2 min readJul 5, 2021


We announced at our recently concluded AMA that one of our development partners will be releasing a Peer to Peer (P2P) marketplace for the Bantu Ecosystem in July 2021.

Timbuktu Exchange platform allows everyone to buy and sell XBN and other Bantu digital assets using numerous currencies in a peer-to-peer manner.

After much internal testing, the Timbuktu team is now ready to roll out a Beta test to the wider community in Bantu Blockchain’s ecosystem.

Every user will be able to buy and sell on the marketplace, but interested liquidity providers (merchants) will have to apply to be able to make high volume markets on the platform.

Are you interested in being a part of the Timbuktu Exchange Beta Test? Please click here to indicate interest . Submissions will open on Monday, 5th July 2021 at 1pm GMT+1 and close 24 hours later. (6th of July 2021 at 1pm GMT+1).

The test will run on Testnet for 3 days starting from 6th of July 2021 during which testers will give feedback to the Timbuktu team. Afterwards, the decentralized marketplace will be released on Mainnet to the general public.

Beta testers who transact on Timbuktu will be rewarded at the end of the test based on the number of trades successfully and timely completed.

If you would like to partake in this Beta Test, Click here to join the Timbuktu Exchange Beta Test Telegram

